For those unfamiliar with, here is how it works. is one of the leading providers of audio books in the world. By offering downloadable audio books and other materials, has enabled millions of subscribers the experience of learning and entertaining on a different level. For many, listening to a story is more rewarding and easier to accommodate than reading the printed publication. With a library boasting over 85,000 titles, has something for everyone. From best selling titles to educational and historical titles, there is a book available that will appeal to every subscriber.
The offer extended to This American Life Show listeners includes a 30 day free trial and one free audio book. Your free audio book can be downloaded to a number of devices including smart phones, computers, Kindle and MP3 players. New subscribers who do not have access to these devices should consider another deal available through which includes a free MP3 player with the purchase of three audio books. provides the following disclaimer on their website to ensure new subscribers are aware of the terms and conditions of this offer before accepting. “Get your first 14 days of the AudibleListener® Gold membership plan free, which includes one audiobook credit, plus a bonus credit. After your 30 day trial, your membership will renew each month for just $14.95 per month so you can continue to receive one audiobook credit per month plus members-only discounts on all audio purchases. A very small number of titles are more than one credit. Cancel your membership before your free trial period is up and you will not be charged. Thereafter, cancel anytime, effective the next billing cycle. Any unused audiobook credits will be lost at cancellation.”
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