Many people are living paycheck to paycheck, making just enough money to pay monthly bills. If anything interrupts this flow, like an unexpected repair or medical bills, it can cause serious financial problems. Fortunately, there are dozens of ways to make money fast if you need money in a pinch for bills, groceries, or other expenses. Here are ten ways to get the money you need quickly so you can solve your problem.
Offer To Do Odd Jobs For Neighbors
Simple tasks and odd jobs can be a lucrative way to make money fast. Some services you can offer include babysitting, pet sitting, dog walking, raking leaves, shoveling snow, cutting grass, and cleaning gutters.
Offer Assistance To The Elderly
Elderly and handicapped people are often willing to pay someone to do small tasks that are difficult for them, like grocery shopping, cleaning their home, or scheduling appointments. Offer your services for a small fee and see how many people are interested.
Cell Phone Recycling
Collect old cell phones from people you know and sell them to recycling centers such as Each cell phone will have a different price based on the model year and the quality of the phone. Some recycling centers will offer more for the same phone, so shop around before making a decision.
Metal Recycling
Collect aluminum and other metals from friends, neighbors, or your employer and sell them to a metal recycling facility. The amount you make will depend on the type and quantity of metal turned in.
Recycle Ink Cartridges
Used ink cartridges can be returned to office supply stores like Office Depot or Staples for cash back. Collect ink cartridges from friends, and your office if they don’t recycle, and turn them in for money on the spot.
Sell Unwanted Stuff
There are many ways to make money fast with items you no longer want. You can sell them online through eBay, Craigslist, Amazon and other used goods marketplace websites. You can also sell them through pawn shops, consignment stores, and retailers that specialize in secondhand goods.
Sell Coupons Online
Many people have found that others are willing to pay for coupons that they cannot access from their location. This works best with entertainment and restaurant coupons for popular places, but grocery coupons also appear to be a big draw.
Sell Craft Items
If you are the artistic type, you can make crafts and sell them through Esty or at local craft shows. Look at the going rates for similar items to ensure that you are pricing yours competitively.
Sell Your Hair
If you have long hair, you can sell it to a wig maker for a substantial amount of money. The requirements will differ for each place, but as long as your hair is uncolored, you should be able to find a buyer.
Tutor Kids
Tutoring and helping kids with homework are services that many parents are willing to pay for. Because payments are generally made for each session, you can make money fast with a couple hours a week of effort.