If you are trying to save money for the future, cutting costs only goes so far. If you really want to improve your financial situation, the best method is to increase the amount that you earn while limiting the amount that you spend. With many companies limiting work hours and resisting wage increases, getting more money from your current job may be nearly impossible. Fortunately, there are many other ways to earn extra money that are both lucrative and interesting.
Earn Extra Money Testing Websites
It is important for companies to be sure that their websites work properly before rolling it out to their customers. To ensure that everything is ready, some companies are willing to pay people to test their websites and provide their feedback on its operation. There are many sites available listing these tasks and operating as a middle man between the company and the testers. Payments are typically made using PayPal and earnings range from $0.10 for a simple assignment to as much as $15 for tasks that require more of your time.
Earn Cash Reviewing New Artists
If you enjoy listening to music, you can get paid to review new artists and bands online. On Slicethepie, members can earn extra money by listening to some aspiring music talents and giving your honest opinion of the music. You can also build a reputation as a music reviewer, which can be leveraged into more earning opportunities in the future.
Become A Pamphlet Distributor
Many companies are looking for people to distribute pamphlets in local neighborhoods, but are unwilling to hire an employee for the job. This allows someone willing to work 4-5 hours on the weekends to earn a substantial amount of money doing this job for them. Current rates for many businesses are about $40-$60 per 1.000 distributed pamphlets.
Get Paid To Be A Friend
Another interesting way to earn extra money is to get paid to be a friend for a few hours. Rent a Friend is a legitimate service in the United States where people offer their friendship for a rate of between $10 and $50 per hour. Users of the site have been hired to go to movies, show a new resident around an unfamiliar town, attend concerts, and a wide variety of other activities. If you love meeting new people and sharing experiences, this could be the perfect side job for you.
Earn Money Recycling Old Phones
Many people keep their old phones after upgrading to a new one and these phones just lay around the house useless until the person finally gets rid of them. To keep these old phones out of landfills, you should recycle them instead and get some cash for your efforts. There are many companies online that will pay you for sending them your old phones, which are generally refurbished and resold in Asia and other emerging markets. Different phone models will have different prices on different sites, so shop around to make sure you are getting the most money for your model.