Saving for retirement is an important aspect of financial planning. While the need to save toward future expenses is indisputable, many people find themselves overwhelmed by all the options available. Deciding which retirement plan is right for you is based largely on your current financial situation as well as long term savings goals. A popular choice for qualifying wage earners is the Roth IRA. Here we look at how you can get started saving today by opening a Roth IRA.
Choose a Provider
To get started you must first decide where and with whom you will open your account. You can choose from banks, insurance companies, brokerage firms and even online brokers to open a Roth IRA. When comparing providers consider fees associated with opening and maintaining the account as well as investment choices available and flexibility in terms.
Determine Investment Strategy
What type of investments do you want in your Roth IRA? A popular strategy is using mutual funds and index funds to invest in stocks. Other options include but are not limited to; real estate, cash, commodities and bonds. If you are unsure which investments to choice, consider talking to a financial adviser to learn more about each option. The strategy you use when selecting investments will be based largely on your own risk tolerance and financial goals.
Contribution Considerations
The IRS limits the amount of money that can be contributed to retirement accounts each year. If you are under age 50, the maximum amount of contributions allowed annually is $5,000. This is the total combined amount, regardless of the number of IRA accounts you may have. Persons age 50 and older can contribute an additional $1,000 per year. Knowing these limits, you can determine how much you will be contributing to your Roth IRA. Making the maximum allowed contributions is advisable to take full advantage of tax free growth opportunities. Check with your provider to determine if there are opening deposit requirements. You may also want to inquire about setting up an automatic withdrawal plan. This would allow for money to be automatically withdrawn from your checking or savings account and deposited into your Roth IRA account. Automated plans can make it easier to manage your contributions while at the same time ensuring you are saving enough throughout the year to reach your savings goals.
Open your Account
To open a Roth IRA, you must provide your social security number, employment information and bank account information. The process itself is very similar to opening your standard checking or savings account. By doing all of the time consuming work in advance, the total time required to open your Roth IRA is normally between 15 and 30 minutes.